luni, 14 decembrie 2009

[Design Pattern] Bridge Pattern

Bridge Pattern:

The contract can be used as a bridge within other classes, and it allows other classes to consume the concrete implementer without knowing anything about the details.

- separates the contract and implementation in two independent areas.
- use interface in C# to build contracts.
- contract will only provide the functionality.
- contract maintains a reference to an object of type Implementor
- the implementor defines higher-level operations. The implementor's interface doesn't have to correspond exactly to contract's interface

C# Sample:

/// <summary>
/// ICommunicator is an interface for classes which want to be able to communicate to an collection of <see cref="IImplemetorContract"/>.
/// It has a list of methods that acts on the list of IImplemetorContract objects.
/// </summary>
public interface ICommunicator
List<IImplemetorContract> ImplementorsContract { get; }

string GetValues(DateTime i_date);
string GetFullName(int i_index);
void StartGetValues(int i_interval);
void StopGetValues();

/// <summary>
/// IImplemetorContract objects act as a bridge to let ICommnucator object consume it.
/// ICommnucator has alist of IImplemetorContract objects with which communicates.
/// It has a list of method which each IImplemetorContract class should implemnt and which should be used by ICommnucator methods
/// </summary>
public interface IImplemetorContract
object GetValue(DateTime i_dateTime);

/// <summary>
/// A more specific implementator for a Stat
/// </summary>
public interface IStat : IImplemetorContract
string Name { get; }
string Caption { get; }
Type Type { get; }

/// <summary>
/// Common implementation for all Communicators
/// </summary>
public abstract class AbstractCommunicator
private List<IImplemetorContract> m_listImplementorsContract = new List<IImplemetorContract>();
protected Timer _timer = null;
public virtual string GetValues(DateTime i_date)
Dictionary<IImplemetorContract, object> _setStatValues = new Dictionary<IImplemetorContract, object>();
StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
_sb.AppendLine("Communicator: " + GetType().Name + ". Values at time: " + i_date.ToLongTimeString());
foreach (IImplemetorContract _implementor in ImplementorsContract)
object _value = _implementor.GetValue(i_date);
_sb.AppendLine(GetFullName(ImplementorsContract.IndexOf(_implementor)) + "\t\t" + _value);
return _sb.ToString();

public abstract string GetFullName(int i_index);

public List<IImplemetorContract> ImplementorsContract
get { return m_listImplementorsContract; }

public virtual void StartGetValues(int i_interval)
_timer = new Timer(GetValuesNow, null, 1000 , i_interval);

public virtual void StopGetValues()
if (_timer == null) return;
_timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

protected virtual void GetValuesNow(Object statusInfo)


public class CSVCommunicator : AbstractCommunicator, ICommunicator
#region ICommunicator Members

public override string GetFullName(int i_index)
if (i_index < 0 || i_index > ImplementorsContract.Count - 1)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (ImplementorsContract[i_index] is IStat)
return ((IStat)ImplementorsContract[i_index]).Name + "/" + ((IStat)ImplementorsContract[i_index]).Caption;
return ImplementorsContract[i_index].ToString();

public override void StartGetValues(int i_interval)
Console.WriteLine("CSV is writing values");

public override void StopGetValues()
Console.WriteLine("CSV is stopping writing values");

public class GuiCommunicator : AbstractCommunicator, ICommunicator
#region ICommunicator Members

public override string GetFullName(int i_index)
if (i_index < 0 || i_index > ImplementorsContract.Count - 1)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (ImplementorsContract[i_index] is IStat)
return ((IStat)ImplementorsContract[i_index]).Caption;
return ImplementorsContract[i_index].ToString();

public override void StartGetValues(int i_interval)
Console.WriteLine("GUI is displaying values");

public override void StopGetValues()
Console.WriteLine("GUI is stopping displaying values");
public class DiskFreeSpaceStat : IStat
#region IStat Members

public string Name
get { return "DiskFreeSpace"; }

public string Caption
get { return "C Drive Disk Free Space"; }

public Type Type
get { return typeof(int); }


#region IImplemetorContract Members

public object GetValue(DateTime i_dateTime)
ManagementObject _disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=\"c:\"");
return _disk["FreeSpace"];


public class DiskLabelStat : IStat
#region IStat Members

public string Name
get { return "DiskLabel"; }

public string Caption
get { return "C: Drive Disk Label"; }

public Type Type
get { return typeof(int); }


#region IImplemetorContract Members

public object GetValue(DateTime i_dateTime)
ManagementObject _disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=\"c:\"");
return _disk["Name"];




public class DiskSizeStat : IStat
#region IStat Members

public string Name
get { return "DiskSpace"; }

public string Caption
get { return "C: Drive Disk Space"; }

public Type Type
get { return typeof(int); }


#region IImplemetorContract Members

public object GetValue(DateTime i_dateTime)
ManagementObject _disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=\"c:\"");
return _disk["Size"];



class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
//create communicators
CSVCommunicator CSV = new CSVCommunicator();
GuiCommunicator GUI = new GuiCommunicator();

//create implementors contract
DiskFreeSpaceStat _statFreeSpace = new DiskFreeSpaceStat();
DiskLabelStat _statLabel = new DiskLabelStat();
DiskSizeStat _statDiskSize = new DiskSizeStat();

//CSV communicator is talking with _statDiskSize and _statFreeSpace
Console.WriteLine("First set of values for CSV: \n" + CSV.GetValues(DateTime.Now));

//GUI communicator is talking with _statDiskSize, _statFreeSpace and _statFreeSpace
Console.WriteLine("First set of values for GUI: \n" + GUI.GetValues(DateTime.Now));


Console.WriteLine("GUI present values at 2 s / CSV is writing value to .csv file at 4 s for 20 s");

AutoResetEvent _autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

Timer _timer = new Timer(delegate(Object _state)
Console.WriteLine("Finishing getting values ");
}, null, 20000, 1000);


Console.WriteLine("Bye, bye now. Press ENTER to Finish.");


static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)

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