Represents an object that participates in the dependency property system.
- Dependency property is used throughout the platform to enable styling, automatic data binding, animation, etc.
- One of the primary architectural philosophies used in building WPF was a preference for properties over methods or events.
- In order to enable two way binding, you need both sides of the bind to support change notification.
- INotifyPropertyChange allows an object to publish change notifications (it is optional).
- WPF provides a richer property system, derived from the DependencyObject type. For example, if you have a property that inherits (like FontSize), the system is automatically updated if the property changes on a parent of an element that inherits the value.
- The GetValue and SetValue methods work within the dependency property system to store and retrieve property values, and trigger notification when such properties change.
- DependencyProperty.Register method:
- Sample: public static readonly DependencyProperty CaptionProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("StatViewer.Stat.Caption", typeof(string), typeof(Stat));
- Optionally you can pass metadata that customizes how the property is treated by WPF, as well as callbacks for handling property value changes, coercing values, and validating values
- The dependency property system provides support for streamlined property storage.
- A dependency property depends on multiple providers for determining its value
- It provides change notifications.
- The dependency property system is based on the concept of inherited property values, and allows cascading changes to various UI element properties.
- Dependency Properties:
- The ability for controls to inherit their container element’s properties (such as coordinates, size, and so on)Object-independent storage
- Tracking the changes made to elements in order to control the state of a control or element for undo commands to be used
- Complex data binding
- Constructs for animation routines for a control
- Sample:
public string Caption
get { return GetValue(CaptionProperty) as string; }
set { SetValue(CaptionProperty, value); }
- By convention all DependencyProperty fields are public, static, and have a Property suffix.
- Note the static modifier of a DependencyProperty .
- Steps performed by WPF to calculate the value of a dependency value:
- Determine the base value
- There are eight providers that can set the value of most dependency properties, in order from highest to lowest precedence:
- Local value
- Style triggers
- Template triggers
- Style setters
- Theme style triggers
- Theme style setters
- Property value inheritance
- Default value
- Use DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource method to figure out where a given dependency property is getting its current value from
- it returns a ValueSource
- it contains IsExpression, IsAnimated, and IsCoerced properties
- Evaluate (if it is an expression - an object deriving from System.Windows.Expression)
- Apply animation
- If one or more animations are running, they have the power to alter the current property value (using the value after step 2 as input) or completely replace it
- Coerce
- ProgressBar use CoerceValueCallback delegate to constrain its Value dependency property to a value between its Minimum and Maximum values, returning Minimum if the input value is less than Minimum or Maximum if the input value is greater than Maximum.
- Validate
- The potentially-coerced value is passed to a ValidateValueCallback delegate
- Returning false causes an exception to be thrown, cancelling the entire process.
- ClearValue() method
- _button.ClearValue(Button.ForegroundProperty);
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